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Piazza Duomo, Milan , Lombardy, Italy

Google Translation: The Domvorplatz in Milan under the Triumphal Arch , the entrance to the Victor Emmanuel Gallery . The Victor Emmanuel Gallery opened the 1867th The Gebäudeensemple lavishly decorated with frescoes, marble and stucco . A glass roof spans the two intersecting passages . At the intersection , there is an octagonal square. About this octagon is a glass dome . In the floor are four large mosaics with the coat of arms of Rome, Florence, Turin and Milan. Duomo di Santa Maria Nascente the Milan cathedral is affectionately called by locals . The construction of the Cathedral began in 1388, the completion retired eventually to the 19th Century back . You do not separate the Milan Cathedral mention full of precious altars and art treasures . In its halls many tombs of saints and founders are kept. Also, a large artifact collection is kept in its corroborate . Embedded in the floor of the cathedral is also a meridian line of brass. Through a small hole in the vault , the light of the sun shines on this line . The sunbeam is midday when the sun peaking a small circle of light on the meridian line . Since the peak of the sun changes during the year , the circle of light moves along the line and moves to the center line .
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