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East Side Gallery, Berlin, Germany


is located in the public space, is publicly accessible around the clock. - Special tours can be booked here.


Located on the mill street in Berlin Friedrichshain.

the longest open air gallery in the world with 1,316 meters

formed part of the border between East and West Berlin

originated: Feb.-Sep. 1990 - renovated: Feb.-Sep. 2009


101 large-format paintings painted directly on the wall symbolize the joy of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the overcoming of the Iron Curtain in Europe, the euphoria over the peacefully won freedom over the persecution, spying and lack of freedom, the hope for a better, more humane society. For personal destinies, wishes and dreams.


The East Side Gallery sees itself as a memorial to the fall of the Wall and the peaceful overcoming of boundaries and conventions between societies and people with more than 3 million visitors per year. In addition, the East Side Gallery is the only authentic monument of reunification to date, and has been for over twenty years.
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